Assistant or Associate Professor of 海洋科学



Assistant/Associate Professor of 海洋科学










杰克逊维尔大学 invites applications for an Assistant/Associate Professor of 海洋科学, tenure-track beginning August 2024. 生物系 & 海洋科学 is seeking an Oceanographer with an emphasis on estuarine, coastal, 和/或开放的海洋过程. While we encourage applicants in a broad range of fields in Oceanography, an ability to teach Physical Oceanography and related courses at both undergraduate and master’s degree 水平s is preferred.

Knowledge and interest in GIS, modeling, coding language (MatLab, R, Python, etc.), and/or remote sensing techniques, is a plus. Ph值.D. is required by the time of appointment. Successful candidates are expected to develop an active grant-funded research program involving undergraduate and master's 水平 students. 对提供的坚定承诺 high-quality education with significant teacher/student interaction is required.

Assistant Professor Rank: Candidate is expected to demonstrate potential for high-quality scholarship activities, an ability to teach undergraduate/graduate courses interactively in small-group settings, a commitment to mentoring undergraduate and graduate students, and a desire for service at the university 以及社区层面.

Associate Professor Rank: Candidate is expected to have evidence of high-quality scholarship activities (publication and grant record), evidence of successful teaching and mentoring of undergraduate and graduate students, and a record of service at the university 以及社区层面.

杰克逊维尔大学, an Equal Opportunity Employer, believes students learn best in a diverse, inclusive community and is therefore committed to academic excellence through diversity in its faculty, staff, and students. 全球网络赌博平台寻找的候选人是 committed to 杰克逊维尔大学’s efforts to create a climate that fosters the growth and development of a diverse student body, and we actively welcome applications from members of groups who are historically underrepresented in higher education.

杰克逊维尔大学 is a comprehensive, liberal arts college located in 杰克逊维尔, FL a diverse metropolitan community with a thriving economic and cultural scene. 杰克逊维尔 国际 Airport provides easy access to US and international destinations. 的 College emphasizes innovative and quality teaching in small classes, and ranks in the annual rankings of “America’s Best 大学,” released by U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道. 请访问全球网络赌博平台的网站




  • Teach classes—a typical l0ad is 24 hours annually

  • Develop an active research program related to field of study

  • Supervise student research projects, internships, and other scholarly activities

  • Participate in university service at the department, school, college, or university 水平

  • Participate in community service (optional)


  • Expected area of emphasis in one or more of the following: estuarine, coastal, and/or 公海过程

  • An ability to teach Physical Oceanography, Oceanographic Techniques, and related courses at both undergraduate and master’s degree 水平s is desired

  • Must be able to teach online courses at the master’s degree 水平 to support the graduate 海洋科学专业

学历、证书、执照、 & 经验

  • Ph.D. in Oceanography, 海洋科学s, or other related discipline by the time of 2024年8月任命
  • 本科 teaching experience in 海洋科学 is strongly preferred


  • Manual dexterity to efficiently operate a computer keyboard and scientific equipment

  • Adequate hearing to communicate effectively in person and virtually

  • Near vision sufficient to read written communications and computer display screens

  • Stamina to teach up to 24 hours weekly

  • Combination of work indoors and outdoors

  • Some off-campus travel may be required

  • Work is performed under minimum supervision and requires incumbent to exercise independence 和自由裁量权


This is not an exhaustive list of all responsibilities, duties, and/or skills required 对于这个职位. 的 University reserves the right to amend and change responsibilities 满足组织需求.


Please submit 1) a letter of application, 2) a current curriculum vitae, 3) a teaching 声明中,
4) a research 声明中, 5) transcripts, 6) a JU学院申请,以及姓名和联系方式
information for three (3) references from whom we may contact to obtain letters of

Screening will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.